1. Initial meter set $ 20.00

2. After hours meter set $ 40.00

3. Transfer of service $ 20.00

4. Temporary service $ 10.00

5. Returned check fee with phone call $ 25.00

6. Returned check fee with trip to house $ 35.00

7. Collection charge $ 10.00

8. Re‐connection charge:
a. Re‐connection regular hours $ 20.00
(Mon‐Fri 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
b. Re‐connection after hours, $ 40.00
weekends & holidays

9. Meter test $ 15.00 (refunded if meter test bad)

10. Meter tampering

a. 1st Offense $ 50.00 + estimated usage
b. 2nd Offense $ 100.00 + estimated usage
c. 3rd Offense $ 100.00 + estimated usage & Possible charges filed with law enforcement

*Plus any damage to equipment


It is Monroe County Electric Power Association’s policy not to accept any checks on an account that has had two returned checks within a 12 month period. A member who loses this privilege can regain the privilege after a one-year waiting period.

We do not run checks back through the bank once they have been returned to us, unless it is the result of a banking error. If this is the case, the bank must call our office to verify a mistake has been made by the bank and notify us in writing.


Credit Card – $3.95 per $300.00
E-Check – $2.00 per $300.00


Late notices are mailed out about 2 days after the bill’s due date as a courtesy to our members. A disconnect date is given and payment in full should be made by this date to prevent discontinuance of the electric service.

Monroe County Electric Power Association Copyright @ 2022